Our FLLs making PB&J sandwiches for Hand’N’Heart - 2018
Leading By ExamplE:
Connecting to our community through compassion:
At Future Lady Leaders, we believe that compassion is a critical leadership skill that our young girls need to be exposed to early to explore how to empathize in different situations and to connect to their community. The first thing we teach our Future Lady Leaders in our workshop is that to be a leader - all you have to do is lead by example! As an organization, we want to provide young girls with opportunities to make a difference in their communities, getting hands on experience to understand why compassion and gratitude are important and experience what leading by example looks and feels like.
If you have an idea or know how we can get our FLLs hands on community service opportunities, please contact us to share!
FLLs in the news for their community service:
Supporting Hand’n’Heart’s back to school drive 2019
Want to get involved? CHeck out these local organizations:
Bags of Books
Cozies 4 Chemo
Kisses for Kyle
Support Shawnee High School’s Make a Wish Club!
Letter of Reference for Community Service:
Download Document HERE, fill in your child's name, hours spent & the event and send it to Emily@futureladyleader.com, it will be reviewed, signed and sent back!